When you shoot a film or tv show on location, you have two homes all the time. You have the home where you go to sleep at night, and you have the home where you spend ALL OF YOUR TIME! For me, that home is Bridge Studios. And even if you aren't filming many scenes on a particular day, you still end up spending a lot of time at that home.
Today, I didn't actually film anything., but I spent all day working. I had to get to Bridge very early!
Today we had a driver picking us up because Everyone on set gets worried about snow. Vancouver does not get snow very often(oddly enough). I dont know why I was so tired I had gotten 9 hours of sleep. I did not have breakfast at home because they serve it on set. It took me a while to get ready but when I got out the door the transport car was already waiting. It was the same guy who had picked me up from the airport,Dave. On the way their I pretty much just sat in the car and looked around. Me and Dave talk about how the flash films across the street, Once upon a time films next door, and super girl films 25 minutes away. Those are my top three shows in that order.
when we arrived Greg was waiting for us he said breakfast was ready on set then he told me my schedule. I would go to school, then to hair and makeup. then to lunch, then to get my space suit on and off to a body scan. Even though I am not filming my day is really packed. When I walked into school I tried to get onto classroom but my CPS account has been deleted. Then I tried to get on my blog but it kept taking me to the cps sign in which I could not do. I really was getting mad at google. We emailed my mom and ms zumpano and tried everything. It was an hour later when ms zumpano fixed the problem and added my private gmail account to the blog. Thanks ms Zumpano. now I am writing this blog.

I also had to go to hair and makeup to get my hair cut. I have to get my haircut on a regular basis because I need to have the same hair in every shot.This is because we have only filmed two minutes.. I have gotten 4 hair cuts in four weeks. I love hair and makeup. Everyone is so awesome and kind. Zabrina the head of makeup gave me cool Canadian baggage tags. Fran the person cutting my hair is really nice and even when I have a bad hair day and my hair does not want to go down she always is calm and somehow fixes it. And Luther. Luther is zabrinas wiener dog. He is so awesome. Whenever I walk into the makeup room he jumps up on me grabs his ball and starts licking me. He looks like this...

he always is wearing cute sweaters. I think he even has a leather jacket.
After hair and makeup they loaded a representative from props,makeup,and hair into a transportation van to go down to where I would get my body scan. A body scan is where they put me in this giant slander crate with a bunch of cameras and they take 3d scans of my body so if they want me falling off a cliff they can just animate it but make it look real. They scanned me in my space suit and a couple of other outfits. It took about two hours. You have to do a bunch of poses so if they want you running or screaming they can have those shots. It was like playing dress up. When it was time to go I walked outside and it was snowing so hard I could not see 20 feet in front of me. I had a full day and was really tired so when I got home I ate tacos and went to bed.